Sometimes the user wants to customize the appearance of the desktop: put new wallpaper, icons and widgets. You can also change the style of letters. If you're tired of the standard text design, read on. We'll find out how to change the font on your OPPO phone.
Changing the font size in ColorOS
Уменьшить или увеличить шрифт на смартфоне Oppo очень просто. Данная функция уже предусмотрена в системных настройках.
- Go to the menu and open the "Screen and Brightness" section. Drop down to the bottom of the page until a tab appears "Font size"..
- Use the sliders to set the desired size. There are small, default, normal, large, and huge. Just above is an example of the text.
- Similarly, adjust the screen size.
It is not possible to select the thickness and height of the letters. If you don't like something, you have to change the system font to a third-party font.
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How to install a third-party font on your Oppo smartphone
In this paragraph you will learn how to change the font on your Oppo. There is a quick and easy option as well as a more complicated multi-step procedure.
Using the zFont application
На Google Play множество приложений, которые обещают кастомизировать текст. Но большая часть таких инструментов не выполняет заявленных функций, либо требует наличия рут-прав. Мы нашли отличную программу zFont, которая точно изменит шрифт на Oppo без режима Суперпользователя.
- Download, install and open the application.
- On the blue start screen, click "Grant permission" and provide access to the photos and files on your phone. We also allow installation from this source.
- Click on "Dashboard" at the bottom and select the tab "Russian".
- Look through all the options and open the one you like. Tap on the green "Download" button.
- After a few seconds, the "Apply" button will appear. Click on it and read the instructions, and then click "Install".
- Confirm the installation of the application (the name will be the same as the style you selected).
- Then go to the system settings and change the region to Myanmar.
- Go back and enter "Screen and Brightness". Activate the slider next to "Supporting the Thai Alphabet". The changes should automatically apply.
On the Oppo Reno3 Pro, the new lettering style appeared both in the system and in third-party applications. To return the stock design, you need to deactivate the exposed slider or set your region.
OPPO themes store
A huge number of styles are available in the ColorOS Theme Store. But Theme Store application is not yet available for global versions of the smartphone. If you try to install the program yourself, you will see a warning about incompatibility.
Still, there is a method that allows you to use the store of topics. Instructions will appear in this item shortly.
Do the installed fonts work without zFont?
Where can I download Russian fonts for Oppo?
Can I adjust the size of the custom font?
What other apps are suitable for changing fonts on Oppo?
We have discussed font changing on Oppo smartphones in detail. Write in the comments if you would like instructions on how to install the theme store.
Здравствуйте,у меня вопрос а что если у меня нет магазин тем?У меня OPPO a58
После установки последнего обновления шрифт главного экрана настолько мелкий, что хочется вернуть прошлую версию обновления. Причём все попытки увеличить его на рабочем столе не приводят к желаемому результату, увеличивается шрифт везде, кроме главного экрана, а мне это как раз и не надо… Как быть? Раньше все было нормально, сейчас нужно читатб через лупу. Обновили ПО, хоть бери и возвращай прошлую версию.
всем тем, у кого проблемы с «поддержка тайского алфавита»! попробуйте включить тайский язык в шрифтах, далее снова включите русский как основной язык, но! не убирайте из сохраненных языков тайский. должна появиться кнопка » поддержка тайских алфавита «.проверяла на новом OPPO, все работает! главное не выключать тайский и готово.
Ну не знаю, ну может поможет для моего телефона я поставила 5 звезд
I can't close the memory cleanup window tab. the line clear memory is omitted, it is not visible what to do?
Hello, I don't have the theme store, I went to the screen and brightness and I don't have the Thai alphabet support, maybe it's because I upgraded my phone, I used to have the Thai alphabet support
I can't change the font because I don't have any themes and there is no "Thai alphabet support" tab.
Is there any way to fix it?
I want a new font
Can I install my own font that's already installed?
Hello! Thank you for the detailed instructions on how to change the font) for a long time tortured with this issue... did everything as you wrote. It worked. But with the change of region, respectively, the time has changed. Is it possible somehow to keep the current time and thus save the set font?
In the "Date and time" settings, manually set the time zone.