Blacklist in your OPPO phone

Quite often users receive annoying calls. These may be advertisements or just intrusive callers. Unwanted numbers can be blocked. Today we'll discuss the blacklist on your OPPO phone in detail.

What is a blacklist?

ЧС, или blacklist – это специальный инструмент, позволяющий автоматически заблокировать вызовы от выбранных контактов. Пользователю не нужно вручную отклонять звонок. Программа все сделает самостоятельно. Входящего вызова не будет: вы только получите оповещение, что было заблокировано определенное количество звонков. Таким образом, абонент не сможет до вас дозвониться.

Using the blacklist on Oppo is relevant if you get persistent calls from some numbers offering services. They can easily be blocked. But note that if the scammer calls from another number, the blocking will not work. You will have to manually add each call to the blocked number.

How to blacklist a contact on your OPPO

Let's take a look at how to use the Blacklist on your OPPO. The example uses ColorOS 11.1.

  1. Открываем приложение «Телефон» и выбираем номер, который хотим заблокировать. Если абонент добавлен в телефонную книгу, ищем его во вкладке «Контакты». В разделе «Телефон» отображаются все входящие вызовы.
  2. Long tap on the desired call. An additional menu appears in which you click "Add to the emergency list". Confirm the action by reading the warning and clicking on the red inscription.
    Blacklist on Oppo

With this method, you can add an unlimited number of subscribers to the blacklist on Oppo.

Читайте также: Сброс до заводских настроек телефона OPPO.

Setting up an ES

Many people wonder how to find the blacklist in the smartphone and whether it can be set up. To get into a separate item with the Blacklist, you need:

  1. Go to the system settings menu and go to "Privacy.".
  2. Scroll down to the "Defense Against Harassment and Fraud" section.
  3. Open tab "Lockdown and Filters.".
    Blacklist on Oppo

The item is divided into several blocks, which are configured separately:

  • Block calls - enable blocking unknown and hidden numbers or all calls. Also available to filter by region and add unknown calls dropped after the first ring.
  • Block messages - specify keywords that will be used to block SMS.
    Blacklist on Oppo

In the tab "Blacklist" you can see the blocked calls and messages. If you do not want to receive notifications from the blacklist, check the corresponding box.
Blacklist on Oppo

Adding a number to the whitelist

We found out where the blacklist is in the Oppo phone. But users can also access the white list. There you add contacts that will not be blocked. This is relevant if you have set the blocking of all calls and allow calls only from specific callers.

So, let's go to "Privacy" - "The White List.". Tap the plus sign in the upper right corner of the screen. Next, enter the number yourself or select a contact stored on your phone. We press "Add". Done, the caller is in the whitelist.
Blacklist on Oppo

How to remove a number from blocked

Разблокировать контакт очень легко. Для этого заходим в блэк лист и зажимаем необходимый номер на несколько секунд. Внизу появится иконка «Удалить». Кликаем по ней. Готово. Аналогичным способом можно убрать контакт из белого листа.

Using special applications

If you're not satisfied with the system tool, resort to third-party apps. There are many working blockers on Google Play.


Developer: Enchan Li
Price: Free
  • Черный список Screenshot
  • Черный список Screenshot
  • Черный список Screenshot
  • Черный список Screenshot
  • Черный список Screenshot
  • Черный список Screenshot
  • Черный список Screenshot

An excellent program that performs all the stated functions. Works without root rights, the interface is intuitive. You need to click on the blue plus sign in the lower right corner and select the option to add to the emergency list - from the list of calls / contacts / messages, manual entry or block numbers with certain digits in the beginning / end. The app also supports whitelist and blocking by schedule.
Blacklist on Oppo

Call Blocker

Call blocker - anti-spam
Call blocker - anti-spam
Developer: Applika GmbH
Price: Free
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot
  • Блокировщик звонков - антиспам Screenshot

An application with similar functionality. You can block a contact from the phone book, as well as a manually entered number. Among the interesting features are PIN protection and blocking of outgoing calls.
Blacklist on Oppo


Anti-Collector: blocking ringing
Anti-Collector: blocking ringing
Developer: Digital Church
Price: To be announced
  • АнтиКоллектор: блокировка звон Screenshot
  • АнтиКоллектор: блокировка звон Screenshot
  • АнтиКоллектор: блокировка звон Screenshot
  • АнтиКоллектор: блокировка звон Screenshot

Very popular software on Google Play. Users note in the comments that the program works perfectly. For full functionality, you only need to provide all the requested permissions. The interface is simple and minimalistic.

All you have to do to block a number is to click on the plus sign in the lower right corner of the screen and add a contact. The app is free, but if you want to automatically add collectors' numbers to the blacklist, you'll have to purchase a paid version. The "Report" tab provides a record of all blocked calls and SMS.
Blacklist on Oppo

Video tutorial


How to transfer the blacklist to another phone?

What does a blacklist caller hear?

Is there a blacklist on Vivo phones?

How do I block SMS?

How long does a contact stay on the blacklist?

Now you know where the blacklist is on your Oppo phone and how to get rid of annoying calls. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

Yegor Borisov

Technoblogger, author of several websites. I write useful articles on setting up and optimizing OPPO smartphones and ColorOS shell for beginners.

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  1. Марина

    С некоторых пор не проходят все звонки с незнакомых номеров. У меня в телефоне они появляются, как пропущенные, у звонившего говорится, что абонент сейчас ге может с вами говорить.
    Всё,что возможно, и с преподавателем
    по изучению смартфона проверили. Прошу о помощи!!!
