Charging your OPPO phone correctly

Modern phones are equipped with high-capacity batteries, which allows you to use your smartphone for a day and a half or two days without recharging. But the battery still wears out, and after a year, the mobile device can begin to run out quickly. Properly charging your OPPO phone will avoid battery problems.

Какой тип аккумулятора установлен в телефонах ОППО

В течение последнего десятилетия в телефонах активно используется два типа аккумулятора. Это литий-ионные (Li-Ion) и литий-полимерные батареи (Li-Po).

  • Li-Po batteries are the best option. Such batteries are safe and have no tendency to ignite. There is no "memory" effect which necessitates frequent cyclic charging. Lithium polymer batteries are lightweight and high capacity. The only disadvantage is the rapid wear and tear. After two years, the battery begins to age and lose its charge quickly.
  • Li-Ion is also popular and has all of the above advantages, except for safety. Li-ion batteries are prone to fire because they use liquid electrolyte.

OPPO equips its phones with both lithium-polymer and lithium-ion batteries. It does not depend on the price of the smartphone: you can find Li-Po in a budget phone, and Li-Ion in a flagship. It is very easy to find out what type of battery is installed in the phone. To do this, go to the page of any online store technology, find the right model and look at the specifications.

How do I use the quick charger?

Oppo phones have fast charging. It is most often found in smartphones from the middle and high price segment. Fast charging allows you to charge a phone with a large battery in just 30-40 minutes (depending on power).

Бренд Оппо разработал собственную технологию, которая называется VOOC Charge. К примеру, модель Oppo Ace 2 с батареей емкостью 4000 мАч заряжается всего за полчаса благодаря быстрой проводной зарядке SuperVOOC на 65 Вт.

Unfortunately, fast charging has a negative effect on the battery. The powerful charging causes the battery to overheat, and over time it reduces the life of the battery. Therefore, we recommend buying a weaker charger for everyday use and using the powerful adapter occasionally.

Хотите знать, как отключить быструю зарядку на Оппо? К сожалению, программным способом включить или выключить Fast Charge нельзя. В настройках смартфона такой пункт отсутствует. Скорость зарядки зависит от мощности используемого зарядного устройства. Производитель дополняет комплектацию дорогих моделей скоростным адаптером, но такую зарядку можно приобрести и отдельно.

О быстрой зарядке отлично описано в статье на сайте SlashGear.

Is there wireless charging?

Many users wonder which OPPO phones support wireless charging. Alas, there are practically no such models in the company's range. The fact is that the implementation of wireless charger is quite expensive, and such technology would significantly increase the price of the device itself.

Есть только три телефона Oppo с беспроводной зарядкой: Ace2, Find X3 и Find X3 Pro. Это флагманские девайсы с мощным железом и дополнительными фишками (на момент написания статьи).

How to charge your OPPO smartphone correctly

Next, let's take a look at how to charge your Oppo phone correctly. The instructions are very simple, and by following them, you will prolong the life of the battery.

Immediately after purchase

If the new phone is at least 50% charged - you don't need to connect it to a power source right away. You can do the initial setup and update the smartphone if a new firmware version arrives.

После выполнения данных действий подключите девайс к розетке, используя фирменный кабель и адаптер. Подождите, пока смартфон зарядится до 100%, и продолжайте им пользоваться в обычном режиме.

The first time the device can be fully discharged and charged. This will calibrate the battery. This procedure is recommended every two or three months, but not more often.

All subsequent times

  1. Put the phone on a boost as soon as it is 15% low. The system will let you know with a vibration signal that the charge level is low.
  2. Do not allow a full discharge when the mobile device automatically shuts down. If you are away from home, use a power bank.
  3. Unplug your device when it reaches 70-90%. Do not leave your smartphone charging overnight. Charging up to 100% is bad for the battery.
  4. Use a 220 volt outlet as a power source. Charging from a computer or laptop port will take a long time and the battery will overheat.

Turning on ColorOS 11 power saving mode

Если смартфон почти разрядился и нет возможности восполнить заряд – включите энергосбережение. Для этого нажмите по значку «Режим энергосбережения» в шторке уведомлений. Также можно перейти в отдельный пункт:

  1. From the System Preferences menu, open the Battery section.
  2. Move the slider to the active state opposite "Energy Saving Mode" or "Super Energy Saving Mode". If you select the first option, the brightness of the screen will decrease, and some animation and vibration will be disabled. If you turn on super power saving, the background of the phone will become black, and only the necessary applications (phone, messages, clock) will work.
    How to charge your OPPO phone

In the same item you can enable optimization for sleep time, see the battery consumption, freeze specific applications and optimize the screen power consumption. You cannot set or enable a specific charging animation. The animation is set by default.
How to charge your OPPO phone

Вас может заинтересовать: Подробный обзор ColorOS 11.

How to extend battery life on Android

So, what you need to do to make your battery last as long as possible:

  1. Make sure that the charge level is within the range 15-90%. Exceeding these limits will have negative consequences for the battery.
  2. Charge your smartphone only from a wall outlet or a povverbank.
  3. Do not leave the phone in direct sunlight and try not to use it in extreme cold.
  4. Do not play games or multitask while the phone is plugged in.

Video tips


How do I use wireless charging on my OPPO Ace2 and Find X3?

Do I need to install special applications to optimize the battery?

Can I replace the battery in my phone?

Now you know how to charge your OPPO so that the battery does not lose its capacity quickly. We hope that our tips were useful to you. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments below the article.

Yegor Borisov

Technoblogger, author of several websites. I write useful articles on setting up and optimizing OPPO smartphones and ColorOS shell for beginners.

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  1. Мстислав

    Пропала анимация при зарядке. На главном экране обычно появлялось кольцо анимации с сообщением зарядки, как ее вернуть?

  2. DorisGertrud Gerber

    Super Handy, sehr zufrieden, danke

  3. Алекс

    Как отключить батарею при использовании смартфона OPPO find n2 от сети? Чтобы питание шло напрямую, не разогревая батарею?

  4. Piotr

    Witam ja mam takie pytanie że naładowałem oppo a15s do 100/% powinno chyba pisać że bateria jest naładowana tak dalej ładuje nie rozumiem czemu druga sprawa do ilu procent morzna ładować 15/%lub 20/% nie ładować do 100 tylko 80 lub 90/%

  5. Daniel Dudler

    Nach Systemupdate ist Schnellladen aktiviert und lässt sich nicht mehr ausschalten. Akku hält vielleicht noch 4Wochen. Danke.

    1. Alexander

      Здравствуйте у меня телефон орроА96, адаптер зарядник на3А, на телефоне написано, быстрая зарядка33А, я хочу купить магнитный провод, какой мне нужно купить на 3А или5А? Думаю что на 3А, на заводском шнуре написано 3А, а мне с Вайлдберриз советуют на 5Акупить говорят заряжать быстрая зарядка будет лучше.

  6. Olga

    Добрый день телефон упал в воду и после этого быстрая зарядка не работает. Как это можно исправить?

  7. Igor

    Why didn't you say anything? You were asked a specific question about ZU.

  8. Dmitry

    Hello. I have oppo4 lite when the phone is charging on 100% it says "charging" but does not say "phone is charged".

  9. Alexander

    In your article you write "We recommend to buy a weaker charger for everyday use, and a powerful adapter to use a strong adapter" To my question about the adapter, you write that you can use the "native".

  10. Alexander

    Good afternoon. could you please tell me the power supply from a samsung smartphone can be used to charge the orro?

    1. Yegor Borisov author

      You can, but without fast charging support. And the phone will be hotter and take longer to charge.

  11. Alexander

    Hello. Please tell me what charger you advise for a smartphone Orro (I mean A current and voltage volt) to increase the life of the battery?

    1. Yegor Borisov author

      Use the native unit and cable. Even with active use, the phone will hold a perfect charge for more than half a year.

  12. Elizabeth

    Bought a smartphone Oppo Reno4 lite. While I was reloading data into it from the old smartphone I put it to the pauverbank to charge, because the charge was 10 %, but I put it not on the factory wire from its box, but on my own. It charged fully and turned on and then turned off and refused to turn on? Was it because I put it charging on a different wire than its factory wire and overnight?

    1. Yegor Borisov author

      Try pressing the power button.